There Is Difference Between Making A Mistake And Making A Good Choice!

There Is Difference Between Making A Mistake And Making A Good Choice!

Omniscience is a stranger word for us people, unless we have sunk into a state of maddening vanity.

Simply put, we cannot know everything about everything at any given time. That results in humans constantly making mistakes throughout their lives.

But the worst part is not making the mistake itself, it is coming to terms with the consequences of that mistake and the idea that you have messed up a part of your life.

How do we deal with the consequences of a mistake?

Helping hikers

When you are not mindful of what happens in the world surrounding you, you will forget the importance of making the right decisions in every step of the journey.

Then, you make mistakes as a result of this unwariness.

People tend to deny the fact that their own trains of thoughts and ultimate decisions had everything to do with the mistakes that they made.

For them, it is easier to ignore the fact that most of the things that happen to them is their own fault.

Because here is a truth, my friends: There is a huge difference between a mistake and a choice.

Some of you might ask: Are the two even related?

Yes, they are!

Making a mistake is alright, so long as you learn from it. Making the same mistake twice is not a mistake anymore… it is a choice!

Stopping yourself from making the wrong choices, as tempting as they might appear, is the only pathway through which you can live a fulfilled and happy life.

Otherwise, you are always going to struggle. You are always going to make mistakes. And the consequences of those mistakes are going to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Every mistake breeds a new set of consequences, both for you and the people you care about, and these put new emotional weights on your conscience.

Image result for choice good or bad
Know the difference between a mistake and a choice.

When you make a mistake, it is mainly because you are not omniscience and it is okay to make mistakes every now and then out of ignorance.

But when you make the same mistake again, this is not just because you didn’t know. It is because you chose to make that mistake, and the consequences will be your fault.

Be strong enough to resist the temptation of making the same mistake twice (choice) to live a life that makes your future-self proud!

