What Does It Really Mean To Awaken The Giant Within ?

What Does it Really Mean to Awaken the Giant Within?

Most people attribute the expression of awakening the giant within to Anthony Robbins, the much-acclaimed and successful author of books like Unlimited Power and Giant Steps.

The whole idea of awakening the beast within is about reaching a level of seriousness towards life that pushes you to do things that you otherwise would not; difficult efforts and exhausting endeavors that will change your destiny and realize your dreams.

But what does it truly mean to awaken the giant within? In this blog post, I am going to explain the fundamental basis of this mindset.

I’ve already talked about the allegory of patiently waiting for your friend to come and hang out with you. This friend is everything you have ever wanted to do, but never got around to actually doing.

The moment you decide to awaken the giant within is the moment you decide to do all those things that you have postponed for so long that you cannot even remember how they were first conceived in your mind.

But awakening the giant within is not as simple as reading these words.

There are two principles when it comes to awakening that giant:

First, there should be no compromises. Second, there should be no hesitations.

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The continuum of life is a flexible beast that will have you make many compromises along the way.

Sometimes, you don’t get what you want. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of something greater than yourself or someone dear to you.

Sometimes, you have to make the right decision and that means you are going to have to make some compromises in other aspects of your life.

But when you awaken the giant within, you will make no compromises when it comes to your main goal and purpose.

As inevitable as making compromises might seem, we should try to reduce the number of compromises we make when it comes to our dreams and our ultimate goal.

Then comes the idea of hesitation. If you take a look at our lives, we hesitate so often at doing the things we want or the things that we ought to be doing.

Why? Perhaps we are afraid. Perhaps we feel like we lack the competence necessary to do something.

Perhaps… we are scared of the possibilities and the changes that could occur in our life if we did that particular thing that has been on our mind.

When you decide to awaken the giant within, there is no room for hesitation anymore. If there is something to do, you will get it done, no matter what occurs.

If it is something right, if it seems and feels reasonable and true to your heart, you will do it. No matter how much your insecurities pressure you into submission, you will get the job done…

You will not hesitate!

It is not so difficult to decide to awaken the giant within, but to keep that giant fed with ambition and willpower takes a lot of effort and determination.

In case that you DECIDE to do that, remember the two principles.

Because from then on, there will be no room for compromises or hesitations!



There Are Two Types of People in This World Through the Landscape of Life…

In my experience, when it comes to how well we do in our lives, there are generally two types of people, and both types assume that they are right.

Now, I’ve already stated my position on what is true and what is not true.

It doesn’t matter whether something is true or not, what matters is what we do with our beliefs.

Let me make my case for and against these two types.

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This is not about right or wrong. Obviously, and as we have stated countless times before, we should always do what is right.

But when it comes to our mindset, the idea that our facts are true or not becomes really significant for a lot of people.

But it doesn’t matter whether something is true or not.

This is all that matters: Is this mindset helping me thrive or pushing me down?

And when it comes to facing this truth, there are generally two types of people.

The first type attributes everything to luck and gives it value, while the second type strives to be wary and seize opportunities whenever they can.

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Now, I have seen both of these types in action. And let me tell you, the first type doesn’t do well for themselves out in the real world, as realistic as their mindset may seem.

The first type attribute the success of accomplished people to fate and chance, and they believe ‘luck’ is an important player in the comings and goings of the world.

The second type believe that they should always be wary and cautious, so that they can seize opportunities wherever they see them.

The first type shamelessly puts the blame of their unconditional surrender to the circumstances of society, whereas the second type is always struggling to do more and accomplish better things.

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So, you either believe that luck should take care of everything for you, or you get out there and make the effort of actually trying to accomplish something.

Which one of these types would you prefer to fit in?

A lot of people do not understand that they are giving up on everything simply because fate and chance have an inevitable role to play in their lives.

But it is not always about our chances and luck.

Most of the times, we lose opportunities because we are not watchful and conscious of what is going on in the world.

Escape the bandwagon of losers in our society and join the company of those who strive to always develop themselves and learn from their mistakes!



We do not take things seriously, as we should do for a long time!

Think about the last time that you heard a sentence that you thought was going to change your life forever.
Did this really happen? Maybe not It was important at first glance. Was moving. It was emotionally disastrous. But did anything change? Maybe not
This is a problem with most humans; They fail to take things seriously, as long as they are too late and they have no choice, but to reduce anything from what they deserve!

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Frankly, many posts and mindsets written in this blog have been wasted with the same fate.
Yes, you read them and you can find them moving forward. Yes, in every word there is a grain of truth, which you please remind me in the comment section.
But here’s a question: Have you ever implemented any mentality or methods in your life? Some of you probably have. But for how long? Did they go?
You read a blog post on public ignorance. This blog post inspires you to think about major changes in your life.
Days are over and you forget what was important to you a few days ago.

Now, it makes sense to some extent. We humans are forgetful We forget those things which are important and our priorities change on a daily basis.
But this is different, is not it?
It’s like to know something to be true but do not take it as seriously as you want!
For example, I know that if I do not start working on my productivity and increase my efficiency, then I’m not going to achieve my goals or make my dreams come true.
This revelation should be devastating to me, and I have been a bit shy of its spectacle, but I should not take it seriously.
Here is another truth: If we really took everything in a very serious way, then a single sentence would suffice to change our lives forever.

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If you can understand the weight of this statement, I do not know; That one sentence can change throughout life.
A small sentence can change life. A life, in time, can change the whole world.
Apart from being confused, we should really set our priorities right. Ask yourself this question: How seriously are you taking everything that happens in your life?
How seriously are you taking those words that you are currently reading? How serious is your future for you? Is it so serious that you take steps to run your destiny in the right direction?
Do not be afraid to ask these questions, whose answers can change your life for the better.


What happens when your mind gets wired wrong?

Hello dear friends!

We must actively seek out the truth and live in a manner that respects the foundation on which this world came.

But for those of us who are too lazy to look for everything to find the truth about everything, it can look like a difficult and strange place to understand the world.

Ignorance is happiness, but even the ignorant people are going to be amazed by the lack of understanding at times, especially when they are facing a difficult dilemma.

I remember a very strange day when a celebrity’s new scandal was mixed with a lot of people whose name I can not really remember!

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The problems of personal life of that celebrity should not be of any relevance to others, I thought myself.
But I was wrong.

Not in my thoughts, in my assumption. Because even though that scandalous dispute should not have been the subject of debate among the common people, but it spread to the forest flames in our society.

We become used to that mentality; In this modern world, we get soaked in everything around us.

Our life is connected and it is no surprise that we listen to anything that happens in the world, even at the most remote place in the world.

But here’s my problem: Why are we paying attention and attention to something that has no true value?

Hundreds of blog posts are written every day on the beauty of a certain celebrity, but there are only a few articles about those issues that are currently working with our society.

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Even if there are articles, people would be willing to read controversial and malicious news pieces, so that they have enough material to gossip!

What I’m trying to say here is that our brain is erased incorrectly.

The glamor of the 21st century has blinded us for the possibility that we all can be unaware that is really important in our lives.

We waste time on things that neither benefit us or people around us. Those who need our attention. The life which is begging us to beg, which is to present it.

But not This is not what we pay attention to. We prey on our brains with less important things.

Our brains are waxed incorrectly and we see the world in the image of ignorance, eventually crushing their fate and ability.

I would like to discuss the solution of this collective ignorance of my community and I will do this in future blog posts, but for now, I want you all to be involved in our discussion and suggest ways of dealing with the vision of our bespoke society . !
