Any Success or Achievement in Life Started as a Leap of Faith!

Any Success or Achievement in Life Started as a Leap of Faith!

One of the most difficult things to maintain in your life is faith. Our beliefs in what seems to be the meaning of life determine a great deal about our characters.

In my experience, I have come to understand that most of the times, competence is not as important as having faith in things working out the way you want them to.

That is why a lot of people are capable of great things, but never actually achieve them in their lifetime…

Success is best described as a leap of faith!

There is a mild difference between our mindset and our mentality when it comes to our different perspectives towards life.

For instance, you can train your mindset to only see the silver lining in everything or notice opportunities where other people won’t.

But your mentality is also important if you hope to one day achieve everything you have ever dreamt of.

That mentality is about accepting the idea that your efforts may not actually be fruitful in the short term, and that is where the concept of faith plays a huge role.

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I have been asked this question before: what is wrong with our youth today?

Here is the thing: Social media and internet have taken a huge part of growing and educating our youngest generation and they are not doing a good job of it!

Many important values are not being taught to children from a young age, and when they grow up and hit adolescence, they have no idea about what they should do for their own lives.

Making effort and struggling to achieve something is a strange concept to many of them.

That is why most of them are failing their brightest years and wasting it on things that are not important in hindsight.

One of the things that the young generation doesn’t understand is that if you want to achieve success of any merit, you need to have faith.

Have faith in something. Yourself. Your family. Your loved ones. Your deity. Anything!

Without a leap of faith, you cannot continue.

Because up until this point, I have already explained that one of the most important things when it comes to success is perseverance.

When you start something, you can never be sure if your efforts will be fruitful.

That is why for many things, success is about a leap of faith.

Without that initial spark of courage, you cannot achieve anything. You need to take the leap and have faith in yourself or something else.

Without a leap of faith, we can never realize the depth of our ocean of possibilities.

Without a leap of faith, we are doomed to continue experiencing the life that we have already lived up to this moment.
All we know it very well that Any Success or Achievement in Life Started as a Leap of Faith! So, Why we are waiting for luck ? why we are waiting for others ? Why we are waiting for miracles ? If we know that Any Success or Achievement in Life Started as a Leap of Faith! Then we have to concentrate on it . We must be confident about it that other imagine things.

Take the leap of faith and discover your potential! And Never Forget –
Any Success or Achievement in Life Started as a Leap of Faith


What Does It Really Mean To Awaken The Giant Within ?

What Does it Really Mean to Awaken the Giant Within?

Most people attribute the expression of awakening the giant within to Anthony Robbins, the much-acclaimed and successful author of books like Unlimited Power and Giant Steps.

The whole idea of awakening the beast within is about reaching a level of seriousness towards life that pushes you to do things that you otherwise would not; difficult efforts and exhausting endeavors that will change your destiny and realize your dreams.

But what does it truly mean to awaken the giant within? In this blog post, I am going to explain the fundamental basis of this mindset.

I’ve already talked about the allegory of patiently waiting for your friend to come and hang out with you. This friend is everything you have ever wanted to do, but never got around to actually doing.

The moment you decide to awaken the giant within is the moment you decide to do all those things that you have postponed for so long that you cannot even remember how they were first conceived in your mind.

But awakening the giant within is not as simple as reading these words.

There are two principles when it comes to awakening that giant:

First, there should be no compromises. Second, there should be no hesitations.

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The continuum of life is a flexible beast that will have you make many compromises along the way.

Sometimes, you don’t get what you want. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of something greater than yourself or someone dear to you.

Sometimes, you have to make the right decision and that means you are going to have to make some compromises in other aspects of your life.

But when you awaken the giant within, you will make no compromises when it comes to your main goal and purpose.

As inevitable as making compromises might seem, we should try to reduce the number of compromises we make when it comes to our dreams and our ultimate goal.

Then comes the idea of hesitation. If you take a look at our lives, we hesitate so often at doing the things we want or the things that we ought to be doing.

Why? Perhaps we are afraid. Perhaps we feel like we lack the competence necessary to do something.

Perhaps… we are scared of the possibilities and the changes that could occur in our life if we did that particular thing that has been on our mind.

When you decide to awaken the giant within, there is no room for hesitation anymore. If there is something to do, you will get it done, no matter what occurs.

If it is something right, if it seems and feels reasonable and true to your heart, you will do it. No matter how much your insecurities pressure you into submission, you will get the job done…

You will not hesitate!

It is not so difficult to decide to awaken the giant within, but to keep that giant fed with ambition and willpower takes a lot of effort and determination.

In case that you DECIDE to do that, remember the two principles.

Because from then on, there will be no room for compromises or hesitations!



The Correlation Between Trust and Happiness That We All Try to Ignore…!

The Correlation Between Trust and Happiness That We All Try to Ignore…!

When you try to conduct yourself in a reasonable and respectful manner in society, there are two sides to your endeavor.

First, you will have to worry about your personal interaction with people who are close to you. Family, friends, and significant others are all categorized in the first group.

Second, you must think about the way you are going to carry yourself professionally.

That means how you connect with your colleagues, persons of professional interest, bosses, and other people in the work environment.

Before now, we have talked about how important it is to understand and respect etiquette, and converse or interact with other people in a way that gains their respect.

But in this blog post, I am going to talk about the direct effect of these social interactions on our mental well-being.

A lot of people neglect this important truth, and that is why they are afflicted with many insecurities and haunted with other mental dilemmas.

Every interaction, from the insignificant conversation you have with your siblings to the really important meeting that you attend with your colleagues or bosses, all have a huge impact on your mind.

When you are insecure about your own feelings, you will desperately try to ignore the effect that other people might have on you.

Even an inappropriately placed glare from the person you like can set you off and drive you down a dark path of self-doubt and agony.

So, it is important to understand that we have to conduct ourselves in a way that inflicts the least amount of damage, both to us and the people that we come in contact with.

The foundation of that ideal connection lies not in desires or advantages, but in trust and honesty.

Make your life with one cup of coffe

A colleague of mine once told me, ‘Everything would be so easier if we didn’t have to deal with our conscience.’

This was particularly strange to me. The idea that we might say or do things that we otherwise would not, but the only thing that is standing in our way is a sense of conscience.

So far as morality is concerned, I believe that we should do the right thing, not because the wrong thing would be heavy on our conscience or that we would be punished…

No, people should do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

But when it comes to happiness and contentment, other people, both personally or professionally, contribute heavily to our state of mental well-being.

Today, I want to ask you a question:

How should we interact with other people in order to inflict or receive the least amount of damage?

Share your thoughts with our community in the comments section below!


How Can You Hack Your Brain to Indulge Creative and Original Ideas?

How Can You Hack Your Brain to Indulge Creative and Original Ideas?

There is one great mistake that the majority of talented and skillful people make in society and this mistake is inevitable; accepting almost every idea society imparts.

Our collective cultural history is laden with ideas that are not beneficial in many ways.

One way or another, the goal of society is to make its members conform to the pattern that fits the system best.

But this pattern often kills creativity and destroys the longing to achieve things of greater value and higher vision.

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There are many facts in this life. For instance, gravity is a scientific fact. Numbers are quantifiable and valid. The earth is round.

There are many truths in this life. Lying to someone is wrong. Tricking someone into doing something is wrong. Abusing someone is wrong.

But there are some beliefs and precedents in our society that are hardwired into our brains with no logical or rational basis.

These are the facts and truths that we simply accept, without asking any questions or undermining them with our thought or logic.

How do we deal with these presuppositions?

Let us start with the simplest ones.

It is believed that if you want to have a financially secure future, you need to attend university and receive your certificate of higher education.

What’s more fearful is that people tend to believe knowledgeable people are often those who go to university and get their degrees.

The idea of financial stability is yet another disgraceful shortcoming of our society when it comes to detrimental ideas that do nothing but slow you down in the progress of getting to experience life.

From long ago, it has been fed to us that in order to achieve success and wealth, we have to work hard.

So, a lot of people think that they have to work 8-10 hour days in order to achieve success or gain riches.

The only way for you to find your voice and make the whole struggle of life worthwhile is to let go of the outdated ideas of past generations that are imposed to us during our lifetime.

Find your own originality and creativity within the boundaries of thought and imagination.

You are not bound by tradition, nor the society’s ludicrous understanding of how the world should work.

Maxwell Martz has a famous quote in this regard:

“It is no exaggeration to say that every human being is being hypnotized to some extent. Either by ideas he has uncritically accepted from others, or ideas he has repeated to himself, or convinced himself to be true.”

Make your own plans and create your own paths… at the end of the journey, the extra effort will be well worth it!



What To Do When You Feel All Is Lost ?

What To Do When You Feel All Is Lost ?

Failure is something that will catch up with all of us multiple times in our lives.

Whether it is an unfortunate turn of events or our own shortcomings, failure is always going to affect us.

Sometimes, we are not as competent or strong as we hope to be, and that is why we fail.

Sometimes, things happen in the world that become an obstacle in our path and lead us to failure, things that are out of our control.

Whatever the case, it is not strange in these circumstances to feel that all is lost.


Hopelessness in the face of failure is unbearably devastating to our well-being; the idea that all our efforts have been for nothing.

The fact that we can never achieve success, because there is always going to be something that stands between us and the destination.

We, human beings, are nothing without hope; the sole pillar upon which our life foundation is built.

Without hope, there is no future. Without a future, the futility of everything will compel you to forsake the pursuit of things that you have always dreamt of…

… and to sink deeper into the abysmal madness of failure and its weakening grasp on our lives.

But we have a say in this matter! We may be powerless against failure itself, but we are not powerless when it comes to how we see failure and decide to deal with it.

You have three options in the face of failure; cower in a corner and live the rest of your days without even trying, let some time pass and try again, or become wild and ferocious and keep going!

The first option is for those who lose life on the large scale.

The people who face a failure and decide to give it all up, because they cannot tolerate the idea of failing.

The second option is about those who feel a little down and depressed for some time after facing failure. This is completely natural.

Feeling miserable is a result of facing failure or inevitable and terrible outcome of events. But these people eventually decide to rise back up and start fighting again.

The idea of getting back up and struggling with your goals is admirable and noteworthy, but in this blog post, I am going to implore you to consider yet another path…

These are the third group of people, and in their rarity, they become stars in the sky of humanity that light the way forward.

These people cannot be defeated or pushed down.

These people do not waste time when they face failure, because they use failure as a fuel that gives them ferocity and might to strike hard against the darkness that clouds their lives.

To them, failure is just something that can make them even more determined and angry.

We cannot expect everyone to face failure like this, because it requires terrible power and strength.

But if you decide to put in the effort and face failure like that, in time you will subconsciously deal with every problem in this manner…

It is only then when you can be sure that success is waiting for you down the road of life!

